The social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women are celebrated globally tomorrow on International Women’s Day.

Here at EYE Airports, we’re incredibly proud that we are predominantly a female team. Gender equality is a top priority at EYE, and this is reflected in our commitment to empowering women and advancing more women into leadership positions. We aim to support and encourage women to further their skills and leadership potential through professional development.

In celebration of this and to coincide with International Women’s Day tomorrow, we’re showcasing 7 of our incredible ladies who will be sharing their accomplishments and thoughts throughout the week.

By recognising and celebrating women’s achievements, we’re all helping to #BreakTheBias.

Joanna Sier – Sales Director

I’ve been the Sales Director for EYE since July 2021, after spending over 33 years in media.

Why I love my position at Eye

“I love my position at Eye because it’s new and it’s fresh, and after 33 years of experience in press, and at the ripe old age of 49 I am learning something every day – apparently you can teach an old dog new tricks!  I have learnt so much in the last 8 months, more than I did in the last 8 years at my old role, which goes to show that nothing changes if nothing changes!

Ultimately the role is very similar to what I did in my old position, which is managing a team and driving commercial revenue using our advertising platforms for local regional and national brands and businesses – this role however is OOH and more specifically airport advertising (and what a year I have joined with travel being a top priority for most people this year and next).

This job has brought new challenges and new opportunities as well as new colleagues and some fabulous women in the team who have been invaluable to me over these past 8 months.”

A woman who inspires you (and why!)

“I have a small group of females who I call my friends. They all bring something different to me and I find every single one of them inspirational and I thank them for being in my life.

However, one well-known woman I have always loved and been inspired by is Princess Diana. I had all the Princess Diana merchandise, from the tea towel to a book about her as a fashion icon (I even had her hairstyle at one point), I absolutely adored everything about her.

And the main reason is that even though her life was cut tragically short, her inspiring work is still remembered now. She taught us that everyone in society deserves to have a voice, and the quote – ‘people may not always remember what you said but they will never forget how you made them feel’ – is one that I try to live by as a leader.”

What makes you successful?

“As much as I love a good basic and even better commission or a nice car, success to me isn’t defined by money, my job role, or the car that I drive.

Success to me is being grateful and happy for what I have. I do class myself as successful but it’s not fluid, it needs consistent work every day. I practise gratitude which helps massively with my positivity and wellbeing, which hopefully rubs off on people I interact with. I walk every morning listening to some great songs or podcasts to prepare for the day ahead. I take plenty of breaks, speak to people who make me laugh and most importantly, I don’t take myself or life too seriously.
Ultimately the job I do isn’t rocket science, it’s building relationships and selling something to somebody that needs it and helping my team to do the same. There are so many more important jobs out there than mine, but I believe I’m good at this one and it makes me happy, which ultimately makes me successful.”

Advice you’d give to other women in business

“Always know your worth. If you ever forget your worth, then spend some time with people who love and adore you who will remind you of it.”